Thursday, December 24, 2009

Early Christmas Present =)

Lmao~~~ Can't believe there's actually wireless in this .... kampong apartment. Finally have something to do when I'm here =)

We arrived at around 6.30. Didn't rain much on the way, luckily. Stopped at Kundasang to eat toast with butter and jam. When we reached here, we went to Suria Sabah. Thought most of the shops would be open, but realized only 1/10 of it was open =.=" We left the building and decided to go eat Bakuteh. The place was full of people, and you can feel the heat penetrating your skin, though the food was great. Then we came back to the rustic apartment, expecting not to have wireless. I'm glad it has ~ if not i'll be lying down on the bed listening to songs.
Tomorrow will be spending whole day in Centre Point, unless Tristan and Sweeney has something else to do.

These are some photos I took during the journey:

'The Dragon's Tail'

(5% visibility)


(Place where we had toast bread)