Friday, December 4, 2009


Starting Naruto from the beginning, quite funny. My bro asked me not to start Shippuden first, just when i watched the first few episodes -.-" Good thing too, the beginning is pretty good.

No plans for today, only special thing was learning how to drill holes into the lens for rimless frame. Finally met someone i knew in town.. First was Nina, Asrohain & their friends yesterday. They asked wat I was doing alone in town, + where is Junan. I told them he was in KL, n he brought along books to study. *praise his study spirit*.. Today bumped into Chung Voon Sen, said he was goin to the bank o.0
Din get to talk much since my mum was waiting for me in the car.

Those were probably the highlights of the past few days while i was downtown. Well, tomorrow night will be the g@m|3li^g night, 9 ppl confirmed coming.

Just hope it doesn't rain..