Saturday, December 5, 2009


Tonight had g@mbling & Sing K!!!! we only gambled for 1 round =.=" Then we had to go to Encore together. We sang for 2 hours.... it was something new to me so it was quite fun. There were.... Ade, Micky, Kwan, Celes, Lipz, Lau, Lai, Ivan & me. Kah Man joined us later.

Maybe the "waiters" found us too annoying. Lipz tried to fix the snowman that lost its hat & 1 of its eyes but he made it even worse. The whole body fell down -.- After we finished singing and came out to the lobby they removed the snowman =(
We also took quite a long time discussing how much each person shud pay ^.^
Shud praise the ppl for their patience~ *Allelujah*

I cud only sing english songs so had to take turns between chinese and english. i shud learn how to sing those chinese songs ^_*

It was definitely a veli fun experience. Thx guys & girlz =D Will never forget this.

Some of the photos are in Lipz' facebook page.